Welcome to Full Color Boxes - The best place to order folding cartons We offer boxes with handles, cube and rectangle shaped boxes, glueless boxes and pillow boxes.

We also make corrugated mailing and shipping boxes, please inquire.

Handle-Top or "Gable" Boxes enhance product packaging on store shelves, create unique gift campaigns, or can be used for restaurant take-out boxes (food should be wrapped). These are easy to assemble and load, and have an auto-bottom base.

Boxes with Handles     Cube Shaped Boxes     Glueless Boxes
Pillow Boxes     Rectangle Shaped Boxes

Handle Top Boxes
White C1S SBS Paperboard
18 pt.
Production Time
Approximately 5 working days.
Color Match
Not available.
Copy Changes
Add $40.00(E) per each change.
Art Preparation
There are no art charges for orders
with approved digital art. Add
$51.00(C) for artwork that does not
meet specifications.
Handle-Top or "Gable" Boxes enhance product
packaging on store shelves, create unique gift
campaigns, or can be used for restaurant take-out
boxes (food should be wrapped). These are easy to
assemble and load, and have an auto-bottom base.
Handle-Top Boxes 125 250 500 1000 1500 2500 5000 10,000
No. 83528 18 pt. C1S 3.25″ x 3.25″ x 13.25
$ 3.03 2.17 1.69 1.21 1.00 .848 .734 .649
No. 83532 18 pt. C1S 4″ x 2.5″ x 2.5″
$ 2.58 1.72 1.23 .805 .638 .517 .431 .371
No. 83568 18 pt. C1S 6″ x 4″ x 4
$ 3.23 2.36 1.87 1.38 1.15 .983 .858 .762
Please identify repeat orders.
No. 83532 No. 83568 No. 83528